Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Saturday!

I had an awesome time Thursday night at the Grand Rapids Public Library! Thank you to Melissa for having me out  :)

Today, I'm at the Royal Oak Barnes and Noble from 2-4 for my last official book signing! A huge thank you to Robin and Matt for making me feel right at home! I'm looking forward to an awesome afternoon in one of my favorite cities!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thank you to Julie and the Sweet Dreams B&B!

Last Sunday, I re-visited the Sweet Dreams Inn, Victorian Bed and Breakfast at the invitation of Julie (the owner) who was hosting a Ghost Stories and Tea--and I had an AMAZING time!

But of course I forgot my camera, so no photos. Bummer. Next time...and there will be a next time! Julie is planning a Victorian Christmas Tea and Shopping event at the Inn on December 9, from 1 to 6 pm. She's planning on having local artisans, a Partylite event, and (at extra cost), mini massages, facials, and make up demos. (I'm trying to figure out how to sneak out of my room so I can indulge in a little pampering myself!)

While I was there on Sunday, several guests took some really incredible photos; there were orbs and a very human like "wisp" on the steps. I've seen photos of apparitions and orbs before, but never photos that were taken literally seconds before I saw them! Kinda a really fun sort of way.

I also got to meet Cruce Grammatico of the Michigan Uncovered program; Cruce helped me out with my write up of the Blue Pelican Inn, in Central Lake. Here's his coverage of the Blue Pelican:

I'm really looking forward their coverage of the Sweet Dreams Inn!